Saturday, June 05, 2010

Karl Marx: Eligible for LP Membership

Karl Marx predicted the "withering away of the state", a condition in which people would be able to act any way they wanted without any constraint from a state. And Marx did not favor the prohibition of private property; he merely stated that in the future society, people would have no desire to have private property. Therefore, assuming that the LP's oath or pledge is to be interpreted as ideological rather than procedural, Karl Marx would be eligible for LP membership. The only way to challenge this assertion would be to point out that Marxism in theory is libertarian, but in practice it is not. But the only way to compare theory to practice is to study economics and engage in public policy analysis, two things that are forbidden or irrelevant to LP members. So Karl Marx' membership could not be challenged by any other LP member.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Party of Principle

The Libertarian Party prides itself on being "the party of principle". What does this mean? Apparently, one thing this means is that in order to pass muster with the LP, any ideas expressed by an advocate of individual freedom must have (1) been expressed by a founding father prior to 1800, and (2) have been made aware to LP members when they were in the 7th Grade. No post-1800 legal, political, or economic concepts are acceptable, and even pre-1800 concepts are unacceptable if they do not comply with the aforementioned requirements. To the LP member, political evolution, if not technological and cultural evolution, stopped in 1800.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Initiation of Force (Nonaggression axiom) and Private Property

The cornerstone of radical libertarian thinking is the idea that private property does not initiate force. Consequently, the radical libertarian believes that he or she can simultaneously believe in private property while opposing the initiation of force. But since private property does in fact initiate force, radical libertarianism must either be rejected or at least be grounded on some other principle.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Nancy Pelosi favors "trickle down" economics

One interesting revelation of the recent banking crisis is that Nancy Pelosi and most Congressional Democrats favor "trickle down" economics. Ronald Reagan believed that the good fortune of Wall Street "trickled down" to Main Street. Similarly, Nancy Pelosi and most Congressional Democrats warn us that the bad fortune of Wall Street will "trickle down" to Main Street.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Radical Libertarianism: Another Fatal Conceit?

Friedrich Hayek called belief in socialism the “fatal conceit” because it supposes that all wisdom and knowledge about how society should be ordered can be known all at one time and apply to all eras. Radical libertarians believe the same thing. So can radical libertarianism be considered another “fatal conceit”?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ron Paul: Not Eligible for an LP Candidacy

On May 7, 2008, in a speech before the American Conservative Defense Alliance, Ron Paul stated: "My goal is to try to get people to accept the transition gradually and gracefully - cut back, balanced budget. . . Quite frankly, I think its going to be very, very difficult." Gradually and gracefully? The task will be "very, very difficult?" Needless to say, Ron Paul would certainly not get the LP's nomination for any candidacy after saying things like that!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Doing Business with Radical Libertarians

Radical libertarians are very headstrong, certain people. So they can be very difficult to associate with. I do not recommend that you enter into a business relationship with a radical libertarian. After a few months, a dispute will develop. If you sue him for breach of contract, he will accuse you of "initiating force". He will reason that he, being perfect, could not possibly be in breach of contract. Therefore, he is right and you are wrong. So by bringing suit, you are "initiating force".