Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ron Paul: Not Eligible for an LP Candidacy

On May 7, 2008, in a speech before the American Conservative Defense Alliance, Ron Paul stated: "My goal is to try to get people to accept the transition gradually and gracefully - cut back, balanced budget. . . Quite frankly, I think its going to be very, very difficult." Gradually and gracefully? The task will be "very, very difficult?" Needless to say, Ron Paul would certainly not get the LP's nomination for any candidacy after saying things like that!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, it is nice to meet a fellow moderate libertarian (small, lower case letter "l" only, please:)I didn't know they actually exist.

I was never a member of the LP. No single organization has done greater harm to libertarianism than the LP has done, in my opinion. The Party believes political compromising to achive political goals means compromising their very principles.

I was curious to hear your thoughts about the national convention over the weekend? I always get the feeling that they are simply rearranging deck chairs on the Titantic, everytime I watch an LP national convention. Barr strikes me as more parts opportunist than any part Libertarian. One only has to look at his voting record in the Congress. He could have changed, I suppose...

The National Review wrote an article warning Libertarians of his record, but the warning seems to have gone unheeded.

Your website is very thought provoking and well written.

National Political Science Honor Society Inductee.

7:31 PM  
Blogger modlib said...

Thanks for the compliment. How do I contact you?

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner,please contact me at

I'd like to be in touch with a fellow moderate libertarian.

4:11 PM  

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